My Rating
Average Critic Rating
’Murder of the Universe’ is as bold and ambitious as a concept album can get. Listeners are plunged into a dystopian apocalyptic narrative, with sprawling blends of Psychedelic Rock, Metal, Prog, and Spoken Word that create a sonic landscape as chaotic and dense as the story it tells. Split into three distinct chapters, each offers a different layer of the overarching tale - one of transformation, cosmic conflict, and the unraveling of existence itself. An absolutely relentless sonic journey, it might be a tough listen for some, but this is a completely unique album that deserves recognition and will have King Gizz fans with their ears wide open.
Recommended for those looking for an album and audiobook all in one.
Featured Song
The Lord of Lightning
Most Streamed
Altered Beast I
The Lord of Lightning
Digital Black
Least Streamed
Life / Death
Some Context
Soy-Protein Munt Machine
Alter Me II
The Floating Fire
Han Tyumi, the Confused Cyborg
TVV Top 3 Songs
Altered Beast I | Altered Beast II | Altered Beast III
The Lord of Lightning | The Balrog | The Floating Fire
Digital Black | Han Tyumi, the Confused Cyborg | Vomit Coffin
The Lord of Lightning | Welcome to an Altered Universe | Digital Black | Han Tyumi, the Confused Cyborg | Soy-Protein Munt Machine | Vomit Coffin | Murder of the Universe
TVV Top 3 Non-Singles
Altered Beast I | Altered Beast II | Altered Beast III
The Reticent Raconteur | The Balrog | The Floating Fire
Listen to Again?
No-Skip Album?
Album Artwork Rating
It’s so murky and dark that it’s almost impossible to tell what this creature actually is - or if it’s even a creature at all. It almost doesn’t matter, though, as the name and theme of the album align well with what we see: a dark tale about the apocalypse of the universe, told through monstrous figures and fantastical beings.
Progressive Rock
ATO Records / Flightless / Heavenly Records
Recording Studio
Flightless HQ (Melbourne, Australia)