My Rating
Average Critic Rating
Unbelievable. Anyone who chooses to listen to ‘In Rainbows’ will understand why this is Radiohead at their peak intimacy and emotion. It showcases delicate dynamics within spacious atmospheres, yet remains powerful in its impact. Every element - the warm basslines, intricate guitar parts, and Thom’s haunting, reverberated falsetto vocals - is carefully woven together into a dreamlike piece of art that feels impossible to replicate. Known for their experimental production, the band have stripped back here to reveal a raw and emotional complexity that works beautifully. It’s personal, immersive, completely timeless, and stands as one of the most cohesive and organic works of all time. Deeply resonant.
Recommended for anyone wanting to to ‘finally’ get why Radiohead are so good.
Featured Song
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
Most Streamed
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
Least Streamed
Faust Arp
House Of Cards
TVV Top 3 Songs
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi | Reckoner | House Of Cards
Nude | Jigsaw Falling Into Place
TVV Top 3 Non-Singles
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi | Reckoner | House Of Cards
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Album Artwork Rating
My first thought about this cover art was that it might be an image of an object or star in space exploding. Apparently, it’s actually just melting wax splattered on a canvas. I think this actually makes it even more beautiful - knowing that this incredible image was created from something so simple.
Alternative Rock
XL Recordings
Recording Studio
Halswell House (Somerset, England) | The Hospital Club (London, England) | Radiohead’s Studio (Oxford, England) | Tottenham House (Wiltshire, England)
Alternative Artwork