Triste Janero - Meet Triste Janero

Track Listing

  1. A Beginning Dream

  2. Rene De Marie

  3. Walk On By

  4. Without Him

  5. Today It’s You

  6. How Insensitive

  7. Somba De Orphia

  8. You Didn’t Have to Be So Nice

  9. Get Together

  10. In the Garden

  11. T.J. Blues

My Rating

Average Critic Rating

This album starts as it means to go on, with beautifully crafted songs that truly transport you to the ‘60s. Personally, I felt truly immersed in it, and as you move through the tracks, you can feel your soul being cleansed. You'll notice plenty of sections of songs that have been sampled in popular tunes throughout history, and that is a testament to how timeless this album is, despite being a clear product of its era. Triste Janero released this stunning album and then disappeared forever, but the legacy lives on, with many musicians working to keep it that way.

Recommended for bossa nova mums stuck in the 1960s.

Featured Song
Rene De Marie

Most Streamed
A Beginning Dream

Least Streamed
T.J. Blues

You Didn’t Have To Be So Nice

TVV Top 3 Songs
A Beginning Dream | Rene De Marie | You Didn’t Have to Be So nice

Rene De Marie | In the Garden

TVV Top 3 Non-Singles
A Beginning Dream | How Insensitive | You Didn’t Have to Be So Nice

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No-Skip Album?

Album Artwork Rating

It’s clearly outdated, and the album title design reflects that, but the image of the group running hand in hand captures an unmistakable ‘60s energy and perfectly matches the vibe of the music. Maybe they had some help from Lucy in the sky for this photo…

Sunshine Pop

Varese Sarabande Records

Recording Studio
Sumet-Bernet Sound Studios