My Rating
Average Critic Rating
This stands as one of the most iconic albums of all time. Being one of the biggest selling albums ever, this was a triumphant return from what most thought was the end of AC/DC after the tragic death of Bon Scott.. no one would have thought they could resurrect and produce an album that is near perfect with an entirely new singer. Brian Johnson was never going to be able to fully replace the sheer charisma and presence of Scott, but he filled his shoes seamlessly and made the role his own. There are countless songs to take from here and the polished production of the record makes for a timeless release. A lot of AC/DC superfans will reminisce about the good old days of the legendary club-rocker shows, but there is no denying this album signified a giant leap into a new era for AC/DC - one that was starting with a bang and a future of legendary stadium shows.
Recommended for anyone who previously loved this album, because surely everyone has heard this one.
Featured Song
Back In Black
Most Streamed
Back In Black
Least Streamed
Shake a Leg
Have a Drink on Me
TVV Top 3 Songs
Hells Bells | Back In Black | You Shook Me All Night Long
Hells Bells | Back In Black | You Shook Me All Night Long | Rock and Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution
TVV Top 3 Non-Singles
Shoot to Thrill | What Do You Do for Money Honey | Have a Drink on Me
Listen to Again?
No-Skip Album?
Album Artwork Rating
Some could think this is a terrible cover as its plain, boring with no creativity - not the case. Context is somewhat key here; as the album and theme is essentially the mourning of previous singer, Bon Scott… you can’t see this album and not think of Scott. And whilst being only in Black with White text, this album is instantly recognisable and iconic - exactly what these covers are supposed to achieve.
Hard Rock
Albert Productions / Atlantic Records
Recording Studio
Compass Point Studios (Nassau, Bahamas)